Armstrong, Louise Claiborne


Armstrong, Louise Claiborne
One-line bio
Louise Claiborne Armstrong of Apopka, Florida, was a devout Episcopalian who used her wealth and influence to embed memorials to the Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest in Episcopal institutions.
Louise Claiborne Armstrong was a wealthy Episcopalian whose father, Henry Claiborne Armstrong (1843-1892), served in the Confederate military under the command of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Louise Armstrong supported the University of the South during the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s by donating her art treasures to the university and by commissioning a ceremonial mace inscribed with a tribute to Forrest and featuring a Confederate battle flag. Her brother James Morton Armstrong was a graduate of the university's grammar school and College of Arts and Sciences. In 1961 a window she donated as a memorial to her brother and honoring the university chaplains William Porcher Dubose and Thomas Frank Gailor was installed in the office of the University Chaplain.

Four years later, she made an anonymous donation of a ceremonial mace, sometimes called "the General Nathan Bedford Forrest Memorial Mace," for use in official university ceremonies. Little else is known about her life.
Date of Birth
14 February 1884
Date of Death
12 February 1976
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