Grave marker memorializing Captain W. W. Martin.


Legacies Classification
Memorial Object
Memorial Type
Memorial Context
Memorialized Subject
Grave marker memorializing Captain W. W. Martin.
Background and Context
This grave marker is for the final resting place of Confederate Captain W.W. Martin, who was known as “The greatest benefactor of Hendrix'' and “Her dearest friend." Martin died on Dec. 13, 1911. In 1918, the Hendrix Board of Trustees got the permission of Martin’s family to move his body from its original grave to its final resting place on campus. The Hendrix community held a memorial service on October 26, 1918, to celebrate the life and new resting place of Captain Martin. Many pillars of the Conway community spoke at this commemoration, including Hendrix President Dr. J. H. Reynolds, who welcomed the large audience of Confederate veterans, saying, “No one was more welcome than those of the thinning line of grey." There was a granite monument with Martin’s name engraved placed on top of his grave in the summer of 1920. This granite tomb is no longer there, as it was replaced in 1937. In April of 1937, the Hendrix Board of Trustees added a larger monument to honor Captain Martin. Now marking the grave is a 5-ton boulder with a plaque. Arkansas Governor George W. Donaghey was the largest donor to fund this monument.
Physical Description
An inground grave covered with a 5-ton boulder with a plaque
Memorial Inscription
Captain W. W. Martin. February 20, 1835. December 10,1911. As soldier, business man, mayor, citizen, philanthropist, and churchman, Captain Martin was a pioneer and a leader of men. His investment of time, thought and money in Hendrix College has multiplied itself a thousand fold, and will share for all time in the contributions of the college to human welfare.
Creator/Participating Person(s)
Hendrix College Board of Trustees years 1918, 1920, 1937
Johnston, F. S. H.
Reynolds, J. H.
Donaghey, George
Anderson, James A.
Brough, Charles
Robins, Frank E.
Date created, installed or dedicated
26 October 1918
Date Modified
20 June 1920
April 1937
Funded by
Hendrix College Board of Trustees years 1918,1920,1937
Donaghey, George
Location: Institution, City, State
Learn More About this Subject
James E. Lester, Jr., Hendrix College: A Centennial History (Conway, Ar.: River Road Press, 1984), 82.

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